Edizioni Ricerca ’90 | A Big Statistical Research

A Big Statistical Research

by Ciro Discepolo

Astrology has always stated that children are born with parents’ characters. The great Keplero fixed - even - the terms of this phenomenon . We can read from his De armonice mundi: "When the fetus is ready, the formative capacity of the soul, which controls the generation, surrounds his hips potently and pushes out the fetus and with this push excites the new life faculty of the soul, when the stars, returned to the seats of the paternal and maternal birth or to another similar configuration, recall the soul to the mind of itself and of its heavenly character".

Mrs. Francoise and Mr. Michel Gauquelin, in this century, were able to demonstrate in a very high number of cases, this astral heredity. They could do it only concerning the angularity of planets and they didn't find anything about signs. L. M. and me, on the contrary, working a lot of years in different patterns for a total number of more than 75.000 births, we were able to demonstrate that the astral heredity based on signs surely exists. That is a very important result, certified from statistical professors of the Naples University and about that you can read in the book: Astrologia sì e no, Ricerca ’90 ed.

That earned us the approbation of our first and most important teacher, André Barbault, one of the greatest astrologers of this century, who wrote in the preface of the book Osservazioni politematiche sulle ricerche Discepolo/Miele, Ricerca ’90 ed.: "...because (to Ciro, ndr) is linked a correlation of astral heredity, that so becomes to a perfect Cancer with Sun and Ascendant in the sign..." And still: "More we will determine sure correlations, more the astrological knowledge will be fortified.. Ciro adds a new link to the already heavy chain. Certainly he can hope to see his name written in golden letters in the memorials of Urania's pantheon...". The complete report of this research is quoted in the above mentioned book Astrologia: sì e no, written in four hands by me and Enzo Barillà. Here I will limit myself to give some little information. At first the research was organized by me, a collaborator and another researcher. But the last, immediately after the start, he went away for personal reasons. Well, I and some collaborators of mine, we went on with the help of the birth data, that we had at our disposal thanks to the generosity of Mr. and Mrs. Gauquelin, to whom we want to express our gratitude. We began with a first pattern of 8219 birth data gathered in a Paris district. We looked for 25 variables, that we believed significant, about the relationship mother/child and father/child. At the end of the work, we gave the results at the Statistic University in Naples, and this told us that we had had a big result: we had found a big statistical significance in the variable which would indicate that the child tend to be born with the same Ascendant as the solarsign of one or both of his parents. From a statistical point of view this result, to be valid, had to be over the threshold of 5% probability, that happened regularly in the relationship mother/child and that have even been over the 1% threshold in the relationship father/child. It must be considered that in spite of some criticism which we have received, only in this first research we can say that we have "searched in a group" and something came out. In the following times we researched in function of only a variable: children tend to be born, more frequently than the average, with the same Ascendant as one of the parents solarsigns. We could prove that in a lot of years, with numerous replies of the same research, in different patterns and more than 75000 birth cases analyzed. All that with the almost scientific contribution, concerning the calculations, of the professors at the University of Naples.

In spite of our big satisfaction and the one of an enlightened mind as André Barbault, we had to have a confrontation with the coldest welcome and still with the hostility of the scientific world and of our national and foreign colleagues, who was completely silent about this research on their books and in the newspapers for reasons that we can easily understand... But these people, who on the other hand didn't understand that they caused a big damage to Astrology, will have to settle with the history when this will demonstrate them that the research, after the one of Mr. and Mrs. Gauqueline, is the most important ever made in astrology, for numbers of examined cases, for the positive results obtained, for the certification of the academic world and, not finally, because for the first time it demonstrates, on a big pattern, a relationship signs/signs and not planets/planets. 

For more information, take my free book, even in English (Osservazioni.PDF, 0.88 MByte) Download

For a complete Ciro Discepolo’ s bibliography, see: www.cirodiscepolo.it/biblio.htm

Edizioni Ricerca ’90 | A Big Statistical Research